Vaddio AV Bridge 2x1 Driver

This driver offers 2-way communication with the Vaddio AV Bridge 2x1. Version 1.0 supports the most commonly used commands, with additional updates planned for release in the future. This driver comes with a 90-minute free trial. A license key can be purchased for $25 to unlock unlimited use on a per-processor basis. You will need to provide the MAC Address of your RTI XP Processor to receive a license key.

Please note that due to the command structure built into the device, the driver currently has the following limitations:

  • Upon initial startup of the XP Processor or anytime the driver loses and reinitiates a connection, the driver will initiate a connection to the device and attempt to update all available variables. Because each variable needs to be individually updated from the device, this process can take up to 1 minute.

  • After initial startup or reinitialized connection, variables will ONLY be updated under the following conditions:

    • A single variable will be updated whenever a driver command is issued to the device and the device feedback provides an update to the applicable variable

    • The driver is commanded to update all variables via the Variable Init command

  • Any changes made to the device’s variables outside of the driver (for example, through the devices Web UI, or an alternate connection) will NOT be reflected within the driver unless one of the above conditions is met.

The driver supports the following device commands:

  • Audio Volume control of all inputs & outputs via Up, Down, and Set commands

  • Audio Mute control of all inputs & outputs via On, Off, and Toggle commands

  • Audio Route control of all inputs & outputs

  • Streaming IP Enable/Disable

  • Camera Home, Pan,Tilt, Zoom, Standby, Preset Save & Recall, Focus, and Auto Focus Enable/Disable

  • Video Source Selection

  • PIP Enable/Disable and Layout Selection

  • Video Mute via On, Off, and Toggle

  • Video Type Selection

  • Trigger control via On, Off, and Toggle

  • System Standby via On, Off, and Toggle

  • Factory Reset via On and Off

The driver also features a Variable Update command, which will force the driver to update All, Audio, or Video variables

Change Log:
0.9: Initial BETA Release